InventHelp Review: Is It the Best Invention Company to Help With Your Idea? In the world of invention and innovation, bringing an idea to life is no small feat. Inventors often seek assistance to navigate the complexities of patenting, prototyping, and marketing their new creations. InventHelp, a well-known player in the industry, offers services aimed at helping inventors throughout this process. This review explores whether InventHelp is indeed the best invention company to assist with your idea. [click to find out more](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolstuffforu/comments/17r7xa0/inventhelp_review_the_best_invention_company_to/) ### **Who Is InventHelp?** InventHelp is a Pittsburgh-based company that has been operating since 1984. It aims to assist inventors in turning their ideas into tangible products. The company provides a range of services, from patent referrals to prototype development and marketing guidance. ### **Services Offered by InventHelp** 1\. Patent Referral Services InventHelp connects inventors with independent, licensed patent attorneys to help them secure a patent. A patent is crucial as it protects the inventor's idea from being used without permission. 2\. Prototype Development Prototyping is an essential step in the invention process. InventHelp helps inventors build prototypes which are vital for testing the functionality of the idea and presenting it to potential investors or licensors. 3\. Marketing Assistance InventHelp prepares marketing materials and strategies to help inventors effectively promote their inventions to potential investors and companies. They also provide access to their proprietary virtual invention presentation service. 4\. INPEX Trade Show InventHelp hosts the INPEX (Invention and New Product Exposition), giving inventors a platform to showcase their inventions to a broader audience, including potential investors and licensees. [click here for more info](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolstuffforu/comments/17r7xa0/inventhelp_review_the_best_invention_company_to/) ### **Effectiveness and Success Rates** While InventHelp markets itself as a leader in invention services, potential clients should carefully consider the company's success rates and customer testimonials. Like any business in this field, InventHelp does not guarantee that an inventor's product will make it to market or become commercially successful. The company’s upfront transparency about these points is crucial for setting realistic expectations. ### **Customer Testimonials and Feedback** InventHelp's client feedback varies. Some inventors express satisfaction with the exposure and professional guidance they received, which helped them advance their product development and marketing efforts. Others, however, may feel less satisfied due to the inherent challenges and risks of the invention process, including products not reaching the market. ### **Cost Considerations** InventHelp charges for its services, which include patenting referrals, prototype development, and marketing packages. These costs should be considered as an investment into the potential of one's invention. Inventors should assess their financial capacity to engage with such services and consider the potential return on investment. ### **Is InventHelp the Best Choice for Your Invention?** Determining if InventHelp is the best invention company depends on your specific needs and expectations. They are equipped with extensive experience and a broad range of services that can be instrumental for many inventors. However, it is crucial to conduct thorough research, understand all associated costs, and explore multiple avenues for bringing an invention to market. ### **Conclusion** InventHelp can be a valuable resource for inventors looking to patent, develop, and market their inventions. However, success in the invention industry is influenced by many factors, including the originality and marketability of the idea, the inventor's resources, and the effectiveness of the patent and development process. As with any business decision, careful consideration and due diligence are advisable. [click to visit](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolstuffforu/comments/17r7xa0/inventhelp_review_the_best_invention_company_to/)