Fibroids are noncancerous growths that develop within the uterus. While many fibroids are small and go unnoticed, larger fibroids can pose significant health risks and cause various complications. **[Which size of fibroid is dangerous](https://www.ktosmanagement.com/which-size-of-uterine-fibroid-is-dangerous/)**? Understanding the dangers associated with large fibroids is essential for early detection and appropriate management. Large fibroids, typically defined as those exceeding 5 centimeters in diameter, can lead to a range of symptoms and complications. One common concern is heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding. Large fibroids can disrupt the normal pattern of menstruation, causing excessive bleeding and prolonged periods. This can lead to anemia, fatigue, and reduced quality of life. Another potential danger of large fibroids is pressure symptoms. As they grow, they can exert pressure on nearby organs such as the bladder or rectum. This can result in urinary frequency, urgency, or difficulty emptying the bladder. Bowel movements may also be affected, leading to constipation or discomfort. The pressure on surrounding structures can cause pelvic pain or a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.