# UQRUG Welcome to your UQRUG monthly meetup! #### Who are we? This is a **gathering for R users of all skills**, to help each other solve problems, to share resources and tips, and to simply hang out with a nice community. More information on our website: [uqrug.netlify.app](https://uqrug.netlify.app) #### When do we meet? * :busts_in_silhouette: **every last Wednesday of the month** (12-2 pm, currently online and in person): find the next event on the [Library training page](https://web.library.uq.edu.au/library-services/training) * :speech_balloon: and at any other time on **chat.uq.edu.au**. * :email: email the UQ Library training team for more help: training@library.uq.edu.au ## Ways of Working 1. We will start today by having everyone add their names to this page. 2. Add your questions to this page. 3. Our **Intro to an R package**. 4. Finally we will spend the rest of the session answering the questions you have brought! If you're in here person, join the zoom meeting, and put yourself on mute. That way you can easily share your screen to get help. https://uqz.zoom.us/j/85362481839 ## 2024-03-27: UQRUG 48 ### R Overview of the Month At UQRUG this month, we have a special guest, [David Green](https://rcc.uq.edu.au/rcc-team) from the RCC providing an overview on how to run your R scripts on a [High Performance Computer](https://rcc.uq.edu.au/high-performance-computing) (HPC), so that you can run your complex analyses faster! This will include using their new graphical user interface that allows you to run RStudio too! ### Attendees Add your name, where you're from, and why you're here: | Name | Where are you from? | What brings you here? | |--------|--------|--------| | Nicholas Wiggins | UQ Library | Here to help! | |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ### Questions #### Q1 - - Your Name - Your Question Summary add more details about your question here **Answers** * first answer * another answer --- #### Q2 - - Your Name - Your Question Summary add more details about your question here **Answers** * first answer * another answer --- #### Q3 - - Your Name - Your Question Summary add more details about your question here **Answers** * first answer * another answer --- #### Q4 - Your Name - Your Question Summary add more details about your question here **Answers** * first answer * another answer --- #### Q5 - Your Name - Your Question Summary add more details about your question here **Answers** * first answer * another answer --- #### Q6 - Your Name - Your Question Summary add more details about your question here **Answers** * first answer * another answer --- | Month | Package(s) | Details | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 04/2024 | HPC | Run R code on the HPC | | 03/2024 | visdat | Identify Data Problems using visdat | | 02/2024 | rvest | Web scraping with rvest | | 01/2024 | vitae | Create data driven CVs with vitae | | 12/2023 | Cool but Useless | End of Year Competition | | 11/2023 | ggdogs and more | Cool but Useless | | 10/2023 | Tidymodels | Machine Learning in R | | 09/2023 | Parallels | Parallel computing in R | | 08/2023 | Basic Statistics | Basic statistics in R | | 07/2023 | [Quarto Presentations](https://quarto.org/docs/presentations/) | Creating HTML based presentations | | 06/2023 | [data.table](https://r-datatable.com/) | Fast data manipulation with data.table | | 05/2023 | [knitr](https://yihui.org/knitr/) and [RDCOMClient](https://github.com/omegahat/RDCOMClient) | Send emails through R | | 04/2023 | Bing AI / ChatGPT | Using generative AI to help code | | 03/2023 | [quarto](https://quarto.org/) | Customisable website or blog in R | | 02/2023 | [googlesheets4](https://googlesheets4.tidyverse.org/) and [Shiny](https://shiny.rstudio.com/) | Customisable online forms with R | |01/2023|[flexdashboard](https://pkgs.rstudio.com/flexdashboard/)| Simple interactive dashboards | 11/2022 | [gganimate](https://gganimate.com/), [plotly](https://plotly.com/r/animations/) | Animated and interactive plots in R | | 10/2022 | [quanteda](https://quanteda.io/) | Text analysis in R | Do you have a suggesting for what we should highlight in the future? Add your suggestion here: * Create presentations with R * knitr & making webpages * How to use data.table * How to use parallels * Spatial analysis in R * ggdogs * Custom Shiny themes with bslib * Machine Learning Algorithms * gcomputation * R for Statistics * PCA * Data mining * Automating an R script - using Bash? Or taskscheduleR? * Loops * Regex, Stringi and Stringr * Webscraping * https://docs.ropensci.org/av/ * https://docs.ropensci.org/rgbif/ * https://docs.ropensci.org/spocc/articles/spocc.html * https://docs.ropensci.org/tesseract/ * https://docs.ropensci.org/iheatmapr/ * https://rstats.wtf/ * https://www.data-to-viz.com/ # UQ RUG Details ## This HedgeDoc You can **edit this document** by clicking the pencil :pencil2: in the top right corner. You can then **add code** to the document by fencing the block with triple-backticks, like so: ```r my_vector <- c(1, 5, 2) ``` ## Code of Conduct To make our events enjoyable, safe and welcoming, we have a Code of Conduct: https://gitlab.com/stragu/uqrug/blob/master/Code_of_Conduct.md ## Feedback We have a feedback form: https://frama.link/uqrugfeedback ## Twitter Follow our news on https://twitter.com/UQ_RUG ## Chat room We have a **chat room** on UQ's Element server, which you can simply join with your UQ credentials. It allows us to keep the discussion going even outside of meetups, and is also more comfortable than the Zoom chat (especially to share code): 1. Go to https://chat.uq.edu.au 2. Log in with you UQ credentials 3. Click the "hash/magnifying glass" icon to explore rooms (next to the search box) 4. Join the "UQRUG" chat room ## General resources This is our shortlist of useful resources, not specific to one single meetup, but good to have handy: * Weekly R news: https://rweekly.org/ * Documentation, run R code online: https://rdrr.io * R Community Flashcards: https://tinyurl.com/Rcommunityslides * Online courses with LinkedIn Learning (log in [with UQ credentials](https://web.library.uq.edu.au/library-services/training/linkedin-learning-online-courses)): https://au.linkedin.com/learning/ * *Debugging in R* Presentation: https://rstudio.com/resources/rstudioconf-2020/object-of-type-closure-is-not-subsettable/ * Don't freak out about the title. Its one of the most incomprehensible error messages that R will spit out and hence the title for the talk. Some good tips on how to approach code that doesn't do what you think its supposed to. In QLD: * R Ladies Brisbane: https://www.meetup.com/rladies-brisbane * On [Twitter](https://twitter.com/RladiesBrisbane) or on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9oOCJe8kwkZ_6IgTmet9oQ) * QCIF training: https://www.qcif.edu.au/training/training-courses/ * Library training and resources related to R: https://gitlab.com/stragu/DSH#quick-access-to-course-resources * Book into a session: https://web.library.uq.edu.au/library-services/training * Library training email: training@library.uq.edu.au * Hacky Hour at UQ: https://twitter.com/hackyhourstluc ## [Past Meetings Archive 2](https://demo.hedgedoc.org/LfE8EVFES66s4vZcRJy1HQ) ## [Past Meetings Archive 1](https://demo.hedgedoc.org/E3RoLxIlSyydQUVvFZGbfg)