# OpenElis Global 2 GSoC'24 guide . ![](https://s3.hedgedoc.org/demo/uploads/cf5e54fa-ec36-48a0-ba54-22fca1649df2.jpeg) ## Introduction ![](https://) Getting started Guide for onboarding GSoC'24 prospective contributors in `OpenElis Global` AKA `OpenElis Global 2` . We understand how painful it might be for new onboarding contributors to get started to `OpenElis Global 2` , As the project continues to evolve, it’s essential to ensure that our documentation remains up-to-date and accessible. We understand that navigating a new project can be challenging, especially for prospective contributors. Therefore, this documentation serves as a central hub for all information related to our project, making it easier for newcomers to get started. ## OpenELIS Global 2 This is a laboratory information management tool rewrite onto Java Spring, and with all new technology and features. Please see our [website](http://www.openelis-global.org/) for more information. You can find more information on how to set up OpenELIS at our [docs page](http://docs.openelis-global.org/) ## Before the Application * Sign Up at OpenELIS Talk and get an ID , Introduce yourself on OpenELIS Talk on the community introduction page * Become familiar with OpenELIS Global See our Installation and Developer Instructions * Review [project ideas](#project_ideas) & ask questions * Work on [Introductory Issues](https://github.com/orgs/I-TECH-UW/projects/6) to get Familiar with the Project ## How to apply OpenElis is proud to be a participating mentoring open source organization for [Google Summer of Code 2024](https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/), Helping to bring in a fresh group of people who want to join and support open source projects. For timeline, see [Official Google Summer of Code 2024](https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline) Timeline for more details. Almost anyone in the world [over 18 years of age](https://opensource.googleblog.com/2021/11/expanding-google-summer-of-code-in-2022.html) Anyone who enjoys coding and is curious about the amazing world of open source can join us as a GSoC 2024 contributor. Most exciting news for the 2024 season is the [focus project different project ideas ](#project_ideas); allowing participation from those who can only devote part of their summer to exploring open source. For details and rules of Google Summer of Code 2024, please see the [GSoC 2024 Official Website](https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/). For timeline, see [Official Google Summer of Code 2024 Timeline](https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline) for more details. ### **Contacting OpenElis** For general information, please visit our 24/7 community channel for Google Summer of Code 2024 : [https://talk.openelis-global.org](https://talk.openelis-global.org/) Join our [Google Summer of Code 2024 Team ](https://talk.openelis-global.org/) today, introduce yourself to the friendly community, and interact with other contributors/mentors and meet the team. If you have ideas and proposals that are not on our idea list, or if a mentor is not available, you can also email to: GSoC+2024@OpenElis But better yet, you can post your idea in the [New GSoC 2024 Ideas looking for mentors](https://talk.openelis-global.org) channel and possibly getting some immediate community feedback or support for your idea. Interested contributors are also encouraged to interact directly with our team and community on: [https://talk.openelis-global.org](https://talk.openelis-global.org) As well as on GitHub: [https://github.com/I-TECH-UW/OpenELIS-Global-2](https://github.com/I-TECH-UW/OpenELIS-Global-2) ----- <a id="project_ideas"> ## πŸ“‚ Project Ideas > This is the GSoC 2024 project ideas list for OpenElis. As we continue to engage community mentors for 2024, the project ideas are subject to some changes. ### πŸ’‘ Improve Responsiveness for OpenELIS 3x πŸ‘₯ **Mentor(s):** Gita Cliff πŸ’¬ **Description:** The new OpenELIS React Front end needs to display correctly on different screen sizes ie Large(Desktop) and medium (Tablet) . The objective of this project is to improve the responsiveness of OpenELIS 3x, ensuring a seamless user experience across various devices and screen sizes. πŸ’ͺ **Desired Skills:** React , Typescript , Javascript, Carbon Design System. 🎯 **Goals/Deliverables:** Improved 3x UI Responsivenes across different devices. ⏳ **Project Duration:** 350 hours ----- ### πŸ’‘Enhanced Search Functionality for OpenELIS πŸ‘₯ **Mentor(s):** Mutesasira Moses πŸ’¬ **Description:** This project aims to enhance the search capabilities within the OpenELIS system, providing users with a more effiecient way for retrieving vital information efficiently . We would need to Integrate a Search Engine library For indexing key coulmns and providing a faster way to Search Results πŸ’ͺ **Desired Skills:** Java, Spring 🎯 **Goals/Deliverables:** Enhanced and Efficient Search Functionality ⏳ **Project Duration:** 350 hours. ----- ### πŸ’‘Improve Integration Tests Coverage πŸ‘₯ **Mentor(s):** Reagan Makoba πŸ’¬ **Description:** The current Service Layer Integration tests only cover a few components .This project aims to Improve Integration Tests Coverage for the critical components with in the application .Integration tests play a pivotal role in validating the interactions between various modules and ensuring the seamless functioning of the entire system . πŸ’ͺ **Desired Skills:** Java , Spring ,J-Unit. 🎯 **Goals/Deliverables:** Atleast 70 % Test coverage for the Service Layer. ⏳ **Project Duration:** 350 hours ----- ### πŸ’‘Improve E2E Tests Coverage πŸ‘₯ **Mentor(s):** Namanya Abert πŸ’¬ **Description:** The Current E2E tests have a very low test coverage and are not very stable. This project is dedicated to improve the End-to-End (E2E) testing coverage for the New React front end and ensuring robust validation of the entire application workflow . E2E tests play a critical role in verifying the seamless interaction between various components, ensuring that the application functions as expected from the user's perspective πŸ’ͺ **Desired Skills:** react , cypress 🎯 **Goals/Deliverables:** Atleast 70% Test Coverage for the new UI. ⏳ **Project Duration:** 350 hours ----- ### πŸ’‘Rewite Admin Page components from JSP to React πŸ‘₯ **Mentor(s):** Casey Iiams-Hauser πŸ’¬ **Description:** Most of the current Admin page Functionalities are still on the old JSP UI. This project aims at re-writing key admin components from JSP to React including User management , Organization Management and Provider Management. πŸ’ͺ **Desired Skills:** react , TypescripT, java , Spring , REST. 🎯 **Goals/Deliverables:** Admin Functionalities migrated to the new React UI. ⏳ **Project Duration:** 350 hours ----- ### πŸ’‘Add Support for User UI Notifications πŸ‘₯ **Mentor(s):** Caleb Steele-Lane πŸ’¬ **Description:** This projects aims at adding support for User Notifications in the new Front End ie when critical Orders and Results are made. This will require creating a generic Notification framework that can support adding any kind of System Notifications whenever needed. πŸ’ͺ **Desired Skills:** React , Typescript, java , Spring , REST. 🎯 **Goals/Deliverables:** A Generic Notification Framework for Displaying user Notifications ⏳ **Project Duration:** 175 hours </a> ----- # Contributing ## Understanding Project structure `OpenElis uses ` uses a multirepo approach, the project is setup using [maven](https://maven.apache.org/) for both [backend](./src) and [legacy UI](./frontend) but the new version of imporoved UI is build on [React](https://react.dev/) . OpenELIS Global 2 utilizes a multi-repository approach and leverages Maven for project management. Here's a breakdown of the key folders and their purposes: * **Frontend**: Contains the new React-based user interface for administrative dashboards. * **src**: Holds the core Java backend logic, including services, controllers, and data access objects. * **Volumes**: Stores volume configurations for the database, NGINX server, and Tomcat. * **Dater export**: (Git submodule) Contains the OpenELIS data store API. * Below is the a brief explaination of needs/roles of different directories and files. ``` . β”œβ”€β”€ Dater export // Git submodule which holds OpenElis data sotre api. | β”œβ”€β”€ Frontend // Contains new frontend UI admin dashboards written in React. | | β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ Cypress // contains cypress configuration for frontend testing β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ nginx // contains nginx server configurations β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ node_modules // contains all dependencies needed to run and build the UI. β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ public // Contains public pages and assets for the project | β”œβ”€β”€ src // Contains all UI source folders holding pags and react scripts of the project | β”œβ”€β”€ Dockerfile // Contains the commands and procedures to build docker images of the project. | β”œβ”€β”€ Dockerfile.prod // contains neccessary commands and procedures to build base prod docker images for the project. | β”œβ”€β”€ package.json // provide dependencies management , build scripts , project meta data dependency versions β”œβ”€β”€ package-lock.json | | β”œβ”€β”€src // this folder holds the actual java backend logic including services, controllers, DAOs , entities , tests, etc. | | | └── main | | └── Filtered resources // This contains build.property file which specifies the project version | β”‚ └── Java // Contains packages which defines backend logic | | └── resources // Contains resources such as persistence , reports and static configurations. | | └── webapp // Contains formal Java server pages based UI which is being rewritten to React,js | β”‚ | β”œβ”€β”€ test // This folder holds unit and integration tests of the logic. | | | | | | | | β”œβ”€β”€ Volumes // This folder holds volumes with database, nginx and tomcat configurations. └── Dockerfile // contains necessary commands and procedures to build base prod docker images for the project. └── Docker-compose.yml // contains necessary commands and steps to build multiple services. └── .gitmodules // contains different git modules such as data export └── pom.xml // contains project information < artifacts and group id of the project >, dependencies , plugins and build configurations ``` ## Technologies and development tools. ### Technologies OpenELIS Global 2 is built upon a robust technology stack: * Backend: [Java 11](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/) * Database: [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/) * Frontend: [JavaScript](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript) and [React](https://legacy.reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html) * Framework: [Spring](https://spring.io/) ### Ensuring Code Quality We prioritize maintaining high code quality through unit, integration, and end-to-end tests. OpenELIS utilizes various testing tools, including: * JUnit 5 (https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/) * Mockito (https://site.mockito.org/) * TestNG (https://testng.org/) * Cypress (https://www.cypress.io/) It is highly recommended to rebuild the application and make sure your test cases are passing before opening any pull request. # Getting Started ## Prerequisites Familiarity with Java 11 is recommended. If you're using a different version, download Java 11 and set your JAVA_HOME environment variable accordingly. If you are familiar with these technologies, you are ready to go πŸš€. And if not yet don't worry🧐, keep the consistency and make valuable contributions. ## Setting up the project environment. OpenELIS Global works well with Java 11 , if you have a different java version you can download the [Java 11 ](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/jdk11-archive-downloads.html) and set your JAVA_HOME to point to 11. ## Running OpenELIS in Docker #### Running docker compose With pre-released docker images docker-compose up -d #### Running docker compose with docker images built directly from the source code docker-compose -f build.docker-compose.yml up -d --build #### Running docker compose With locally compiled/built Artifacts (ie the War file and React code) For Developers 1. Fork the [OpenELIS-Global Repository](https://github.com/I-TECH-UW/OpenELIS-Global-2.git) and clone the forked repo. The `username` below is the `username` of your Github profile. git clone https://github.com/username/OpenELIS-Global-2.git 2. innitialize and build sub modules cd OpenELIS-Global-2 git submodule update --init --recursive cd dataexport mvn clean install -DskipTests 3. Build the War file cd .. mvn clean install -DskipTests 4. Start the containers to mount the locally compiled artifacts docker-compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml up -d Note : For Reflecting Local changes in the Running Containers ; * Any Changes to the [Front-end](./frontend/) React Source Code will be directly Hot Reloaded in the UI * For changes to the [Back-end](./src/) Java Source code - Run the maven build again to re-build the War file mvn clean install -DskipTests - Recreate the Openelis webapp container docker-compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml up -d --no-deps --force-recreate oe.openelis.org #### The Instaces can be accesed at | Instance | URL | credentials (user : password)| |---------- |:-------------:|------: | | Legacy UI | https://localhost/api/OpenELIS-Global/Β  |Β admin: adminADMIN! | | New React UI | https://localhost/ | admin: adminADMIN! **Note:** If your browser indicates that the website is not secure after accessing any of these links, simply follow these steps: 1. Scroll down on the warning page. 2. Click on the "Advanced" button. 3. Finally, click on "Proceed to https://localhost" to access the development environment. #### Thank you for your kind attention to this, Let's build some cool stuff together. If you have any issue, please head to [OpenElis talk forum](https://talk.openelis-global.org/), ask the community and get your desired solution promptly. ## What to checkout next - [An Overview of OpenElis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZQMHHaHIcY) ## FAQs - Why I get this exception when try to natively `Could not find artifact org.itech:dataexport-api:pom:` trying to run my application with tomcat ? - Kindly make sure you have done the second setp well. You can run these commands to solve the issue. git submodule update --init --recursive cd dataexport mvn clean install